Excess-flow valve — a valve designed to close when the liquid or vapour passing through it exceeds a prescribed flow rate as determined by a pressure drop across the valve. Tent trailer — a vehicular portable structure built on its own chassis and having a rigid or canvas top and side walls that may be folded or otherwise condensed for transit. The mechanical ventilation shall be in operation when theengine is running, and the room shall be ventilated before and during any repairs to the engine. January 31 Replaces p. Flexible metallic hose — an all-metallic flexible gas conduit. csa b149.1-10

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Venting system — a system for the removal of flue gases to the outdoors by means of a chimney, vent cwa, vent, or a natural or mechanical exhaust system. Fireplace — a device for burning solid fuel that has the major portion of one or more essentially verticalsides open or openable for refuelling and for the visual effects of the burning fuel. See also Clause 4. It has an b149.1-10 compressor coupled to a downstream turbine and a combustion chamber in between.

Flue baffle — see Baffle. January 21 Replaces p. Travel trailer — a vehicular portable structure intended to be towed by a motor vehicle and that does not fold up or reduce in size for transit.

CSA B - Natural gas and propane installation code 1 [PDF] - Все для студента

Service regulator — a pressure regulator installed on a service line to control the pressure of the gas delivered to the customer. January 19 Replaces p. A regulator with vent limiting means shall be installed in a ventilated space only.

Internal valve — a valve designed and installed so that its seat is within a tank and the arrangement of the parts of the valve is such that damage to the parts outside the tank will not prevent effective seating of the valve.

csa b149.1-10

When installed outdoors and subject to inclement weather, the regulator shall cda protected as necessary from exposure to weather conditions. The mechanical ventilation shall be in operation when theengine is running, and the room shall be ventilated before and during any repairs to the engine.

CSA B149.1-10 - Natural gas and propane installation code 1

January 29 Replaces p. Such a walkway shall be located adjacent to the appliance and control panels, and when the appliance is located on a sloped roof, the walkway shall extend from the appliance to the point of access and be equipped with guardrails so that the appliance can be safely accessed and serviced; b the clearance between the appliance and the edge of the roof or other hazard shall be at least 6 ft 2 m ; and c if b194.1-10 appliance is enclosed, such an enclosure shall permit easy entry and movement, be of reasonable height, and have at b194.1-10 2 ft mm clearance on either side of the service access panel of each appliance in the enclosure.

Induced draft — a mechanical draft produced by a device downstream from the combustion zone of an appliance. Dust pocket — see Dirt pocket. Lock-up positive shut-off regulator — a regulator that is capable of maintaining a reduced outlet pressure when the fuel flow condition b1449.1-10 static.

Excess air — see Air supply. Draft-control device — either a draft hood or a draft regulator.

csa b149.1-10

When water stands on the roof, either at the appliance or in the passageways b149.11-0 the appliance, or when the roof is sloped or has a water seal, a suitable anti-skid walkway shall be provided. Hydrostatic relief valve — a pressure relief valve installed in a liquid propane line.

CAN/CSA-B Natural gas and propane - CSA Group Pages 1 - 50 - Text Version | FlipHTML5

It now consists of the following pages: Emergency shut-off valve — a valve that is part of a system that is designed to limit and shut down the flow of propane in the event that a vehicle moves away from a transfer point with the transfer hose or swivel-type piping connected to it. Clearances specified sca Table 4. Flexible metallic hose — an all-metallic flexible gas conduit. All measurements shall be taken between the outermost projection of the appliance and surrounding structure or property line after the appliance has been installed.

Flame-sensing device — that component of cas combustion safety control that senses flame.

CAN/CSA-B149.1-05 Natural gas and propane ... - CSA Group

Pressure regulator — a device, either adjustable or nonadjustable, for controlling and maintaining, within acceptable limits, a uniform outlet pressure.

Where inspection reveals defective joints, they shall be cut out and replaced. The relieving pressure setting of the line relief device shall be not b149.1-110 than that of the lowest-rated component or accessory located downstream.

Semi-rigid connector — see Connector. Read the Text Version. Create your own flipbook. Residential building — see Building. Internal relief valve — a pressure relief valve that is built into the body of the diaphragm assembly of a pressure regulator.

Equipment — a device, other than an appliance, accessory, or component, that is connected to a pipingor tubing system.


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