It's better suited for a plugin like the MQ2MoveUtils plugin by tonio at http: This could potentionally form an issue, that is why further below the section Multilines is being addressed. In the example, since we defined events for tell, zone and camp, we have tell, zone and camp keys defined in the [MatchString] section. In that case you can set up your rangers in a channel, your mages in a different channel, and your healers in a 3rd channel. The pause command in line 2, is to make sure the exchange actually happends before initiating anything else. Overall the multiline option starts in a line. mq2twist

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Feel free to add on as you find fixes as well. This page was last modified on 16 Julyat This is the opposite of the melee plugin, and is mostly used for casting spells, discs, and AA's.

In this example, mq2twidt first line is only dedicated to Mortenson, and for it to do multiple things. To remove a plugin that is active, when offline, open the MacroQuest.


You don't have to do this, you can also click on the Everquest topic, and then above the Create shortcut option, you'll also find your accounts listed.

I used it for like a week, and then I went back to the old one.

If you log out your boxes using camp, they will retain the channels you mq2ttwist them in. I do not know why, but cases like a class name often seems to not work like using a channel named Mage or Magician. Along those same lines using mq2twist is fine for bard songs and epic, but IS NOT usable by other classes to eternally cast heals, debuffs, item clicks, etc.

Views Read View source View history. In the example, since we defined events for tell, zone and camp, we have tell, zone and camp keys defined in the [MatchString] section.

MacroQuest - EZ Server Wiki

It will press your combat abilities based on the ones you set Bash, Taunt, Kick. Twisting also has its limits though, which is that you cannot twist a song in slot 10, 11, or When attack is pressed, it'll check the distance you are from the mob.

For every event name you must have a corresponding key in both the Match String and the Sounds sections! In the example, since we defined events and match strings for tell, zone and camp, we also have tell, zone mq2twisg camp keys defined in the [Sounds] mq2tsist.


Retrieved from " http: What's new New posts Mq2tqist resources Latest activity. Simply click on the name of that account to create a shortcut.


There's also tons of. Moveto If your target is not going to be moving, another command to use is.

MacroQuest - Raid Addicts Wiki

For this guide mq2gwist, we are going to stick to the basics, and a little bit extra. Here's an example of that: This means BroadCast Announce All.

If you use the name of an existing set, it will be over-written. The example INI file below contains examples of the types of usage.

For example Mortensen is a group leader, and Kingmort also, Then you would have the following: This is to simply show that the multiline works in various settings.

This is the command: This would be great in the following example: Examples of what, follow below in the other topics. Cade The Rainman, Administrator. Twisting is a command mostly designed for bards. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.


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